Creating an onsite Flash Sales campaign for E-commerce business

How to create a Flash Sales Campaign for your webstore?

We have been over spring and summer is officially starting. However, this also means e-commerce businesses will see considerably less sales in the upcoming months and measures like flash sales can alleviate the situation.

What is flash sales? 

Flash sales are limited-time promotions where e-commerce retailers offer significant discounts on select products. These sales typically last for a few hours or days and aim to create urgency among buyers, driving quick purchases.

Examples can be seen with big brands. Amazon offers time-limited discounts on specific products, often during special events like Prime Day or Black Friday. Another example is Best Buy , who promotes significant discounts on electronics and gadgets, available only for 24 hours. They do this monthly.

Evaluate the effectiveness of flash sales for e-commerce

Flash sales can significantly benefit all types of retailers, particularly those looking to clear excess inventory or quickly boost revenue. Companies with seasonal or perishable goods can effectively use flash sales to sell products that might otherwise go unsold, thereby reducing waste and recouping costs. 

Additionally, businesses aiming to enhance brand visibility can leverage this tactic to create buzz and drive traffic to their e-commerce platforms. This increased attention can also lead to higher engagement and awareness, helping the brand establish a stronger market presence. 

For new or emerging e-commerce platforms, this can be a strategic tool to attract attention and build a customer base quickly.

Conversely, certain businesses might not find doing this strategy advantageous. High-end or luxury brands, for instance, could suffer from devalued brand perception if they frequently resort to deep discounts. The exclusive nature of such brands might be undermined, making it harder to maintain a premium image. 

Moreover, small businesses with limited stock might struggle to meet the surge in demand generated from the campaign, leading to potential stockouts and customer dissatisfaction. The operational strain from managing a sudden increase in orders can also be challenging, potentially resulting in logistical issues and delayed deliveries.

Creating an onsite campaign with Zotabox

#1: Use Header Bar

You have to first let your customers know about the sales using onsite popup and other medias such as email or social. The sooner everyone is aware of the upcoming sales, the more success your sales will be.

#2: Use Notification Bar

When you have the link to the product or the collection that are picked for the sales, create a notification that will send clickers to that link. You will have it activated across your website and only on the day of flash sales.

#3: Use Slide Box

In the next step, you can use Slide Box to inform who clicked on the sales event notification in the previous step about the incentives. Make sure the sales incentives are impactful to your customers. 

#4: Use Easy Popup

The final onsite tool we are going to create for this flash sales campaign will appear when visitors are about to exit the sales page. Under display rules, you can choose “Exit intent” for “When to display”.

And that’s it! You have created 4 different tools needed for a successful flash sales. You may also want to watch the Do-it-together tutorial below to see some live actions.

Do let us know if you have a successful flash sales. We look forward to your success!

Zotabox Marketing Team

Our team features developers with over 20 years of tech and e-commerce app experience, alongside marketers with 10+ years of expertise. We provide top insights to help you optimize conversions and increase revenue on e-commerce platforms.