Customizable and Responsive
Multiple Templates
Fast Loading
Add Countdown Timer / Coupon Fields
Exit Intent
Custom Image / Upload Video
Everyone expects free shipping nowadays. If you have it make sure your customers know about it.
How about having a ‘trial period’ to see IF it works for your store

Customizable and Responsive
Choose Size / Position / Button
Fast Loading
Custom Images / Video
Add Countdown Timer / Coupon Fields
Premium Display Options
How about a B1G1F offer (or a buy 4 get 1 free offer).
You get the idea. Sell in bulk and watch your sales increase.

Exit Intent
Add Countdown Timer / Coupon Fields
Custom Images / Video
Your regular visitors love flash sales. This is a great way to boost sales for your new arrivals, old inventory and popular items. Stick to your deadline to show your customers you mean business.

Exit Intent
Add Countdown Timer / Coupon Fields
Custom Images / Video
This could be your ‘last chance’ to make a sale before you customers are gone forever – so make it Irresistible!
Reduce cart abandonment with coupon popups on your shopping cart page.

Add urgency to your customer’s visits.
Show to all, new or returning visitors
Have a limited time offer, sale or discount coupon.
Try offering ‘Free Shipping for a limited time’ to see if it is successful
Give a Free Gift (for a Limited Time)

Create a package deal. Your customers will appreciate the savings and you can pad your profits.

Promote related items to boost your sales

Great for Instant Promotions
Choose Image / Style / Position
Set Display Time
Custom Images
Premium Display Options
Try a deep discount to get rid of slow moving items. It just might be the ‘hit’ you were looking for.
Have a seasonal sale to get in the festive mood.

Handy carousel for showcasing your products
Add multiple products
Show original and sale price
Increase your cash flow by getting rid of slow moving merchandise.
Use the money to buy more products related to your best sellers

Don’t miss the opportunity to have a Spring or Christmas sale. Any reason to offer a discount can increase your sales.

Choose style, position, fixed or scroll
Choose opacity to blend it with your website
Add link when clicked
Are your customers awaiting your new arrivals?
Make sure they know about them first.

Responsive and customizable
Choose size, position, color etc
Adjust opacity to blend in with your website
Add Countdown Timer / Coupon Fields
Premium Fonts / Display Options
Custom CSS
Don’t just use a __% off on your sales. Have a fixed $ amount, save $$ and see how your customers respond

Great ‘social proof’ tool to show active store with happy customers

Customizable and Responsive
Multiple Templates
Fast Loading
Exit Intent
Add Countdown Timer / Coupon Fields
Custom Images / Video / CSS
Everyone LOVES a Free Gift. Give something related to your core products
(or not, try free cups, teddy bears – you get the picture)

Handy carousel for showcasing your products
Add multiple products
Show original and sale price
They are your ‘best sellers’ for a reason and your new customers will like them too.

Customizable and Responsive
Choose Size/Position/Button
Fast Loading
Add Countdown Timer / Coupon FieldsCustom Images/ Embed VideoPremium Display Options
Rotate popular items to keep your visitors coming back

Responsive and customizable
Choose size, position, color etc
Adjust opacity to blend in with your website
Add Countdown Timer / Coupon Fields
Premium Fonts / Display Options
Custom CSS
Make handy gift cards available to spread the love to your customer’s friends
Some cards will not be redeemed = pure profit

Make sure your customers know about your latest promotion
Customizable and Responsive
Multiple Templates
Custom Images
Add Countdown Timer/Coupon Fields
Exit Intent
Embed Video
Premium Images/Fonts
Premium Display Options
Custom CSS
How about ‘extra services like gift wrapping or gift packages.
Perfect for birthdays and special events

Give customers a coupon for sharing your website with their friends
Add optional email capture field
Add opacity to blend in with website
Premium Display Options
Custom CSS
Everyone loves charity. Donate a percentage of profits to charity and watch your sales soar

Add urgency to your customer’s visits.
Show to all, new or returning visitors
Set expiration time based on customer or store time zone
Add opacity to blend in with website
Some customers love the convenience of 1 day shipping. Make sure you offer it

Responsive and customizable
Choose size, position, color etc
Adjust opacity to blend in with your website
Offer a money back guarantee.
Most customers won’t use it but will be reassured that it is available.

Get your customer’s attention
Customizable and Responsive
Choose Size/Position
Customize Button
Fast Loading
Custom Images
Add Countdown Timer/Coupon Fields
Embed Video
Premium Display Options
Are your customers interested in earning a commission for promoting your product – give them an affiliate link

Get your customer’s attention
Customizable and Responsive
Choose Size/Position
Customize Button
Fast Loading
Custom Images
Add Countdown Timer/Coupon Fields
Embed Video
Premium Display Options
Is there something your customers WANT you to do that you can add as an ‘extra’ service. Listen to your customers – they will tell you what direction to go

Get your customer’s attention
Customizable and Responsive
Choose Size/Position
Customize Button
Fast Loading
Custom Images
Add Countdown Timer/Coupon Fields
Embed Video
Premium Display Options
Share your knowledge with your customers
You can charge for this too.

Upload Custom Images
Exit Intent
Choose Share/Follow/Email
Customizable and Responsive
Offer coupon for sharing your website or following your social account
Email subscribe option also available

Automatically display updated reviews to your website.

Upload Custom Images
Exit Intent
Choose Share/Follow/Email
Customizable and Responsive
Automatically enter customers who share into a contest
See social network admins to see who shared your website

Upload Custom Images
Exit Intent
Choose Share/Follow/Email
Do you want or already have a loyal following?
Create a VIP club of loyal customers and give them first access to new arrivals and upcoming sales

Choose Share and/or Email Capture
Customizable and Responsive
Optional coupon field
Give a coupon for free shipping or free gift when your visitors share your website
Create a VIP club of loyal customers and give them first access to new arrivals and upcoming sales

‘Share’ or ‘Follow’ options
Stylish and Responsive
‘Total’ option available
Make sure your customers can easily share your website or follow your social account
15+ Social Accounts available plus print and email options

Contact options available - Skype, Email, SMS, Phone, Messenger
10 Social Accounts to Share
Customizable and Responsive
Make it easy for your customers to contact you on mobile and share your website
Customizable and Responsive

Keep in contact with your customer after they leave your site
Upload Custom Background
Optional Exit Intent
Premium Display Options
Automatically send a ‘coupon code to your new subscribers by setting up a ‘follow up email’ with your email service provider, (ex. Mailchimp).
OR use our social coupon popup/bar to display code instantly

Add Countdown Timer/Coupon Fields
Responsive and customizable
Adjust opacity to blend in with your website
Custom CSS
Everyone likes to feel special
Let them be the first to know about upcoming sales and new arrivals

Get your customer’s attention
Choose Size/Position
Customize Button
Fast Loading
Custom Images
Add Countdown Timer/Coupon Fields
Embed Video
Premium Display Options
Everyone loves a good contest. How about a monthly to boost your subscriber list?
Try different prizes to see what gets the most response.

Get your customer’s attention
Choose Size/Position
Customize Button
Custom Images
Add Countdown Timer/Coupon Fields
Embed Video
Premium Display Options
Do you have a free gift or PDF that you can give to your new subscribers?
Free Top ‘Tips’ or advice for your industry/customers

Another trick to add more subscribers to your website. Promote ‘subscriber only deals’ or ‘first in line’ for new arrivals. Great way to keep your best visitors in the loop.

Customizable and Responsive
Choose background image
Customize Tab Text
Your customers can contact you in an instant
Customizable and Responsive
Embeddable in page or custom link

Customizable and Responsive
Choose language
Customize tab text and location
Your customers can connect with you via Messenger instantly
Customizable and Responsive
Over 1 billion active Messenger users

Contact options available - Skype, Email, SMS, Phone, Messenger
10 Social Accounts to Share
Customizable and Responsive
Make it easy for your customers to contact you on mobile and share your website
Customizable and Responsive

Mobile Responsive
Choose style, size, placement & opacity
Add cart, Messenger, FAQ and promotion pages
Get 20+ more premium tools and features
Add enhanced, back to top buttons to your website
Add convenient new functionalities to this popular button

Choose Bar or Box Style
Display to EU countries only
Optional “Lock” website until visitor accepts
Stylish EU Cookie Bar or Box
Customize style and color

Get set up in seconds
Customizable tab text or image
Add optional notes and directions
Let your customers find your faster
Easy to configure

Mobile responsive
Choose style, size, placement & opacity
Choose rotation duration
Premium style and display options
Upload Custom Images
Showcase customer testimonials on your website
Use rotating template to showcase products as well

Add multiple tools to the same website (Ex. multiple contact forms, popups, promo bars etc)
Be sure to set your display rules correctly to not overlap your tools.
Embed a video in a popup, slider or directly in your website
Customize the width etc. No developer help req’d.
Premium Display options include selecting ‘new, returning & active visitors’
Display on select pages only
Display on exit, scroll or delay
Minimum screen size
Hide after time
Display maximum times per time period
Custom CSS available for ALL Zotabox Tools (available on the setting page under “Menu”)
Also add custom background images to our popups, slide box, notification box, testimonial and more.
Integrate with Google Analytics and/or Facebook Pixel to track conversions with Zotabox tools on your website.
Embed Sliders, Banners, Timers, Email Capture, Testimonials, Video etc directly in your website