7 Ways to Skyrocket Your Ecommerce Sales on Twitter

7 Ways to Skyrocket Your Ecommerce Sales on Twitter

As far as marketing channels to increase sales go, Twitter seems to be one of the most underrated and overlooked options.

The nature of this platform makes it seem like promoting a business is a challenge, but it does not have to be.

With the right approach and ideas, you can skyrocket your ecommerce sales on Twitter. Let’s take a closer look at what you need to do to accomplish that goal.

#1 – Showcasing Products

Since Twitter limits users to 280 characters per tweet, there is not that much one can write in terms of copy. 

Nevertheless, it does not mean that you cannot make the most out of the tweets by showcasing the products.

That’s right. The emphasis is on the products. For instance, a tweet could include a simple call to action and a URL to a product page. The important thing is that the URL enabled the product image to appear in the tweet as well. 

Of course, one thing to note, though, is that your Twitter feed should not be just product showcasing. Try to find a balance between informative and promotional content to avoid loss of engagement.

#2 – Organizing Exclusive Events

The idea of organizing an exclusive event on Twitter has a notable downside. You are limiting the reach to a single channel.

On the other hand, if Twitter is your main focus, then an event or two exclusive to the platform could be exactly what you need to succeed on this social media site.

Make the Twitter audience feel like they are special because they are the only ones who get to participate in the event. You are bound to have more engagement, and that engagement is bound to translate into more sales.

Also, understand that these events do not have to be something grand. Even simple teases via a GIF or a short promotional/behind-the-scenes video will do the trick, so long as your Twitter page is the only channel to have it.

#3 – Running Giveaways and Contests

Giveaways and contests are arguably the oldest form of a promotional strategy on social media sites to grow an audience and receive a lot of engagement.

Twitter is no different. You can organize a contest by inviting your followers and other Twitter users to:

  • Vote on something and share their opinion below the poll
  • Send photos they took
  • Create photo captions
  • Answer questions that were asked by the Twitter account organizing a contest

There is also the option to create a simple giveaway and invite participants to retweet the tweet. As for the prizes, it is entirely up to you. Whether you give away a custom t-shirt, hoodie, etc., or a discount code for the next purchase is not the most important thing.

What matters is showing the initiative and how you want to reward the audience. People will jump at an opportunity to participate in a giveaway if it is easy, and this is where the engagement comes from.

#4 – Creating Hashtag Campaigns

Try to think of a unique hashtag by combining a few words and then announce a campaign for it to drive interest.

Think about the likes of #ThrowbackThursday and #IceBucketChallenge. Such campaigns go viral and help various brands establish a presence on Twitter. 

Remember to check the idea first before you commit to it. The odds are that someone might have snatched the hashtag already, so double-check, just in case.

Finally, make sure to use a hashtag tracker to monitor how the campaign is performing. You are bound to make some adjustments throughout the campaign, and it is much easier to make the right changes when you have the necessary data to back up your ideas.

#5 – Participating in a Twitter Chat

Twitter users often do not know the real people behind a brand’s Twitter profile. The lack of personal interaction leaves a lot to be desired, which is why more and more businesses are looking for people to represent a brand in a Twitter chat.

A direct channel between the audience and the business creates a sense of familiarity and leaves a positive impact overall. The brand shows how responsive it is and how much it cares about its audience.

Twitter chat is not the same as customer support when you can send a question and expect a response. No, the idea is to create a group and invite interested parties to participate. However, it is important to announce an upcoming chat in advance so that more people know about it and can prepare in advance.

The chat does more than just build relationships between the consumer and business. It can also function as a means to collect valuable data by receiving feedback. Customers can point out what is missing. After analyzing the pain points, a business can then make the necessary adjustments.

#6 – Supporting a Cause

Consumers are more likely to connect to a brand that supports a cause. Twitter is an excellent channel to build a narrative and share all the good things that a brand does on a regular basis.

From building a green policy to organizing charity events and donating, brands can show themselves in a positive light. The cred received from powerful messages that are backed up by actual activities will go a long way to establishing a bigger presence on Twitter.

#7 – Collaborating With Influencers

The last way to talk about is collaborations with influencers. These days, it is common for people to trust an influencer they follow on social media. The same cannot be said about brands.

Influencer marketing starts with finding the right influencer and building a relationship with them. So long as an influencer’s audience is relevant to your niche, you can expect to see positive results.

Influencers promote goods and services to their audience in exchange for benefits, such as free stuff or money.

A single tweet from an influencer or them retweeting your tweet could lead to a brand new audience discovering your brand. And if the results are great, you can nourish the relationship and work long-term with an influencer.

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