Add New Contact Form Users to your Mailchimp List



Would you like to support your website visitors and add your new contacts to your Mailchimp lists at the same time?


Now you can with Zotabox’s responsive Contact Form Builder.


Mailchimp Contact Form



Zotabox Contact Form Features Include:






Add Multiple Departments:


Set up departments with unique email recipients to speed up customer service.


Flexible Display Options including:



Add Multiple Contact Forms to the Same Website:


You can easily add multiple contact forms to the same website (each with different display options) and link each tool to a different Mailchimp list if you like.




More Tools to Increase Your Mailchimp Subscribers:


Zotabox also has 4 other tools to quickly increase your email subscribers included in your Zotabox package.


Link each Zotabox Tool to a Different Mailchimp List:


You can add different tools for different pages (or groups of pages) with different relevant messages (and link to different Mailchimp lists if you want).


Mailchimp - Zotabox integration



Extra Email Capture Features



Mailchimp Contact Form Settings



Shopify Merchants:


Shopify users can easily embed our contact form in a page or open with a custom link on their site.


Note for Shopify Merchants: You can use Zotabox to simultaneously add emails to BOTH your Mailchimp and Shopify accounts.



Add Zotabox to Your Website Today


Install any Zotabox app or plugin to customize all Zotabox tools on your website. We have integrations with Shopify, Big Commerce, WordPress and other platforms (please create a Zotabox account when manually embedding our code or to use another ecommerce platform).